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A Renewed Call To Prayer
President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, Ted N.C. Wilson, calls all Adventist members to continue praying for the conflict in Eastern Europe…

Helpless but Invincible
The Queen of England, Elizabeth II, called 1992 her annus horribilis (“horrible year”). I felt similarly about the year 2006. Early in the year, the language school where I was teaching closed its doors…

God Has Already Provided
The highest goal of music, Pythagoras apparently claimed, is to connect one’s soul to one’s divine nature, not entertainment. It is hard to find out exactly what this philosopher did and didn’t say, i…
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Nursing Graduates from Adventist University in Puerto Rico Are Offered Jobs at AdventHealth
Forty-nine graduates of the nursing program at Antillean Adventist University (AAU), in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, an institution operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, were recently recruited by t…

Children Showcase Project on Elderly Care at Cultural Fair
It was difficult for anyone not to be enchanted by the cuteness of the children dressed as grandparents during the Cultural Fair at the Joinville Adventist School (center unit), held on Sunday, June 26. In addition to changing their own look, the children…

Worldwide Adventist church emphasizes inclusivity by appointing Possibility Ministries leaders in local churches
In a world-first for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Church Manual has been updated to cater to members who are deaf, blind and have other special physical, mental or emotional needs, thanks to…
Ministerio hispano Adventista fundado hace 12 años. Propósito es esparcir el mensaje de salud y la pronta venida de nuestro Dios.
Servicio a Dios mediante obra médica-misionera.
Trabajo en campos misioneros en EU y todo el mundo.
Estudio de televisión con transmisión de servicios de adoración y programas en vivo. Desarrollo del Centro Comunitario Familiar de Loma Linda. Proveer educación y servicios a nuestras familias y estudiantes de Loma Linda.
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